March Campaign is go! Despite gales and snow.
The WP1 winter sampling is underway in Sommarøy and weather conditions are pretty intense. But our 'dream team' met the challenge with a...
Drift kelp video!
Dive video from August and October 2016 field work in Malangen Fjord, Northern Norway. Video shows fragments, thalli and particles of...
Does kelp flow downstream?
KELPEX is collaborating with two other projects at Norwegian Institute of Water Research (KelpPro and KelpFate) to develop particle...
IMR Cruise on G.O. Sars
The Fjord i Nord cruise on G.O. Sars provided an excellent opportunity to assess detrital kelp abundance and distribution in an arctic...
Successful October Campaign for WP1/2!
Work packages 1 and 2 completed the second field campaign in Malangen fjord to obtain measures of production, erosion and decomposition...
First field campaign completed in the Malangen fjord, Tromsø!
A research group from NIVA (NO), RUC (DK), UiO (NO) and AWU (AU) will be working in the Malangen fjord 8-19 August, identifying suitable...